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Useful information for visitors to Russia

Russia is safe for travel, but there are basic precautions that you should take when visiting any country.
Using photo- and video cameras in some museums, national parks and reserves will be charged, but in most places it is free (in some places shooting is strongly prohibited at all!).
Tipping is customary in Russia to give in the amount of 50-150 rubles for the service, for the waiters’ service – usually 10% of the invoice amount.
There are several rules of conduct necessary to keep in the museums: Visitors are supposed to check in their coats at the entrance. Visitors are supposed to put special boots on their own shoes (if it is necessary, it is always provided free at the entrance). Visitors are supposed not to carry big bags/ suitcases visiting the museums. Visitors are supposed to keep silence inside the museums. Visitors are supposed not to touch the exhibits and show windows.
Before entering into the any Orthodox Church, women are supposed to cover their heads, and men are required to remove their hats. Women should not go into a monastery or a temple wearing trousers, short skirts, for this matter at the time of the visit long skirts and shawls are offered on the entrances. Behave in temples and monasteries should be modestly, keeping silence and not interfering the believers. Photo and video shooting of priests in some churches is strictly prohibited, it must be definitely clarified before entering inside.
Water quality varies from place to place. So don’t use the tap water in Russia.
For the legal stay in Russia all foreign nationals are required to obtain a voluntary health insurance policy on the day of arrival for the entire period of stay in Russia, regardless of the purpose of the visit. Health insurance policy gives you a right for health service in any city and in any state medical clinic, regardless of your registration. In the insurance case, follow the instruction which is indicated in your insurance policy.
All payments are carried out in rubles. One can exchange dollars, euro and other currencies in the banks. International credit cards are widely accepted.
There is no tradition in Russia to smile at strangers, Russians are very reserved in public.
Russian outlets take round 2-pin Euro plugs. A flat Euro plug adapter did not fit into the socket. Current is 220V.
You must carry your original passport at all times. A copy will not be sufficient.
Restaurants of Moscow, Petersburg and other large cities of Russia will offer you a wide choice of dishes of local and international cuisine, as well as some national specialties.

Booking and cancellation terms

Cancellation policy:
Up to 10 days before the trip - No expenses
09 and less days before the trip - 100%

Payment terms:
Please proceed with the payment according to received invoice no later than 10 days before the arrival.

Discounts for children:
Children 0-4 years old have a 50% discount
Children 5-10 years old have a 25% discount
The discount is not applied for the passenger staying in the additional bed


If you are not currently a citizen of Russia you are most likely required to obtain a Russian visa that will let you to enter and exit the country.A tourist invitation letter is the most common type of letter and is required for the processing of a tourist visa. The document can be issued by Authorized tour operators in Russia who are licensed by the Federal Tourism Agency of the Ministry of Economic Development. INTOURIST offers its clients the visa-support letter service. To obtain the visa-support letter please write to [email protected]. Our managers will assist you.

For more information which documents you need for visa, please request information from the Consulate of Russian Federation in your country.
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