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Being the oldest and one of the most experienced inbound touroperators, Intourist was the first one to foresee the perspectives of vaccine tourism to Russia.

At the beginning of the year, Intourist was the first one to initiate the organization of vaccine tours to Russia. “This initiative was supported at all levels, but with one condition: firstly all citizens of the Russian Federation must be provided with the vaccine. By today INTOURIST has a large portfolio of requests for such tours from our foreign partners”, - the general director of the touroperator Viktor Tolpokaraev said on Friday.

Apparently the time for vaccine tourism has come. “To be honest, we predicted that this would happen in April-May, but were rushed for two months,” - the General Director Victor Topolkaraev said.

According to Topolkaraev, based on the authorities statements, one can expect that the legal basis for the vaccination of foreign citizens in Russia on a commercial basis will be developed during June, and from July it will be possible to come to Russia for this purpose.

The requests for vaccine tours come from different countries. The geography covers almost the whole world - from India, Iran, South Asia countries to Arab countries and Europe where own vaccines are available. This fact shows that the Russian vaccine gets a certain degree of confidence. “If we talk about vaccines, the main demand is formed for "Sputnik V" - this is the most famous vaccine, the statistics of its use are the greatest, "- added the general director of INTOURIST.

Victor Topolkaraev also added that all this time there were gray schemes offered for foreign tourists visiting Russia for the purpose of vaccination. But there was no legal basis for visa support and the necessary regulations for entering the country.

The price of the vaccination will depend on which programme the client will choose. Since Sputnik V requires two jabs client can choose two variants of logistics: either a double trip for 3-4 days each, or travel at once for 25 days. This is a combination of vaccination with a cultural and excursion program.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday instructed the government to work out the issue of organizing vaccine tourism in the Russian Federation by the end of the month, taking into account safety requirements. He noted that Russia can provide an opportunity for foreigners to come to the Russian Federation and get vaccinated with domestic vaccines against coronavirus, since the domestic pharmaceutical industry is ready to further increase the production of vaccines.

"There is widespread practice where business people and heads of companies come specifically to Russia to get a jab against the coronavirus," Putin told the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Putin added that he wanted "to be able to organize the conditions for foreign citizens to come to Russia and get vaccinated on a commercial basis."

INTOURIST is waiting for the final official governmental permission for vaccine tours  and the necessary regulations for entering the country for this purpose. INTOURIST is ready to implement into life its initiative and to quote the programme, prices and send all needed information and conditions to its partners once the initiative finally acquires legal basis. 

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We will also offer all programmes and conditions for vaccine tours in our next newsletter. Stay tuned.

Please send all your queries about vaccine tours to our email: [email protected]

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