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Lake Baikal

About destination

Lake Baikal is the largest and the cleanest lake on the planet, which is more than 25 million years old. It contains 20% of the world’s fresh water reserves. Lake Baikal is the dwelling place of the famous Baikal omul and seal, as the Baikal Museum in Listvyanka narrates. Here the Angara flows out of Baikal, here is the great lake view at sunset from the Chersky peak, from here the ferry departs to Olkhon Island – the sacred center with ancient Buryat customs and shamanic traditions. Along Baikal runs the Circum-Baikal railway – distinctive monument of engineering thought.
Summer: +17C/62.6F
Winter: -1C/30.2F
Exchange Rates
October 22, 2024
1 USD = 100.9 RUB
1 EUR = 109.62 RUB


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