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Kaliningrad Region

About destination

Kaliningrad region is the most western and European region in Russia. The waters of the Baltic Sea wash its shores. The mild climate and the abundance of lakes guarantee excellent beach rest and fishing.
In the Curonian Spit National Park, which is recognized as a World Heritage Site, you can watch birds, visit the sandy desert and tundra swamp. The landscape of the Baltic Spit is a bizarre combination of sand dunes and mixed forest. The deepwater Vishtynets Lake attracts divers.
Kaliningrad is the administrative center of the region. Here is located the only Amber Museum in the world, the production of which the region is famous for. The wide exposition of the Museum of the World Ocean is devoted to the marine theme.
You will enjoy visiting other cities of the region. In Svetlogorsk it is pleasant to walk along the embankment and admire the original sculptures. The village of Yantarny is famous for the purest Sinyavinsky Lake, an amber quarry with an observation deck and a museum at the Amber industrial complex.
Summer: +18C/64.4F
Winter: -19C/-2.2F
Exchange Rates
October 22, 2024
1 USD = 100.9 RUB
1 EUR = 109.62 RUB


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